A Guide to Identifying and Resolving Couples Conflict

At some point or another we have stumbled upon the well know sitcom “How I met your mother”. Your opinion on the show itself will differ of course. With its controversial series finale, the constant need for Barney to idolize women and even himself and Ted’s undying need to find the “one” where in reality he met the one in the first episode. The series had some mixed reviews but if one thing is for certain, it did provide some relationship theories that we did not identify before.
Throughout the series Lily and Marshall stood the ground for the more long-standing and functional couple unlike all their friends. But even these two had their own conflicts. Here is a list of relationship theories from the famous series portraying the conflicts and resolutions any couple can find relatable.

Graduation Goggles
Forgetting the hardship, you endured throughout to justify as to why it should not end. If we are being honest this is a tried and tested theory for some of us. Letting go is worse than holding on, so we do even if it isn’t worth it. The bleakness of the entire relationship is shadowed by the thought of a future without the other. Some would even call this an unhealthy coping mechanism.
The Olive theory
Ted vows by this law that if one person dislikes something in the relationship the other should like it in order to be compatible? The theory of extreme likes and dislikes does not prove compatibility but instead possible conflict.
However, it is a relatable issue among couples in all countries and ethnicities. If you feel this is something you can relate to, seeking a place for help in your city is advisable. All cities are now equipped with counselling centres that offer couples conflict resolution in Melbourne to provide you with the necessary advice.
The Pause- UnpauseFunction
Although Lily and Marshall paused their argument to eat lobster, they still did end up breaking up. This temporary remedy is not a long-term solution. “Ignorance is bliss” is short lived and instead communication and resolution are needed if you and your significant other find yourselves in constant limbo.

The New Relationship Smugness
Also known as the Honeymoon phase. Everything is rainbows and butterflies until it’s not. It is natural for the relationship high to eventually fade but true love requires work and a genuine friendship. So overtime if you feel this connection disappearing some therapy and a new perspective may be necessary regardless of the outcome.
The Reacher-Settler
This is more of an ego problem than a relationship problem. Nevertheless, if you truly love someone who you are shouldn’t affect how you see him or her. If ego tries playing the role here however, you need to confront yourself or your partner and revaluate your relationship.
Conflict resolution is needed at some point in any relationship and if you love the person you are with making sure to work things out shouldn’t be a question. Accept help and move forward together.