All about Autism

Autism, which is also called ASD or autism spectrum disorder, is a complex medical condition that involves problems with behaviour and communication. Every person with ASD experiences unique symptoms. Generally, ASD is detected in childhood – around 2 to 3 years old.
It can be minor problem or an impairment that requires full-time care in a centre that handles such case. According to study, ASD is more common in boys than girls, and the latter display lesser ASD signs compared to the former. Yet, there are many children with ASD carry on to live a happy, meaningful life. If you want to know more about it, read on.

What are the Autism Signs and Symptoms?
Do you suspect that your little one has Autism or ASD? The signs usually appear before a child turns 3 years old. Some of the symptoms include a small range of interests; high sensitivity to smells, sounds, and touches; getting distressed by minor changes, lack of eye contact; not wanting to be cuddled; not looking to other people; spinning in circles; and the list goes on. Consult an MD right away should you see any of these symptoms to carry out a diagnostic evaluation. According to scientists, it isn’t clear what causes ASD. However, a number of factors may contribute to it, such as genes that your child is born with.
What are Autism Spectrum Disorders?
Asperger’s syndrome, autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and PDD or pervasive developmental disorder were once regarded as different medical conditions. But now, they fall under ASD scope. Asperger’s syndrome doesn’t have issues with the language, but they have a hard time socializing with other people.
Meanwhile, children with autistic disorder under 3 years of age have communication and social problems. Children with childhood disintegrative disorder lose some of their social and communication skills and PDD is a word that you can hear from your MD, if your little one has autistic demeanour. If you think your child has ASD, you may want to consult the autistic and disability support services.

Causes of Autism
Again, the causes of autism are still unknown. But researchers said that autism can be connected to a couple of genes. If autism runs in your family, then there’s a higher chance that your child will have it, too. Moreover, if you’ve been exposed to specific alcohol or drugs, your child may have autism. Environmental factors may be the cause of autism, too. However, the scientists have to verify it yet.
Does Vaccines Cause Autism
Most probably, you have heard before that some vaccines can cause autism such as measles and rubella vaccine. On the other hand, the CDC or Centres for Disease Control announced that there’s no known link between autism and vaccines.
Autism Treatment
Treatment for autism will differ for each person. There are different approaches and therapies that your MD will use to treat your child’s autism. However, not all treatments will be effective.
It’s indispensable to understand your child’s ASD so you can both cope up with it.