Treatment Tips to Stop Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is condition that cause inflammation of a joint or multiple joints. There are many different types of arthritis and various different ways to treat arthritis the condition and the pain of joints that comes with it. Take a look at the following treatment methods to see the best method of treatment for those experiencing arthritis or a related condition.

Topical Medications
These are the gels or creams that are applied on the skin for pain relief. These medications supply sodium channel blockers that has the ability to numb nerve endings that are close to the skin. Prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (or NSAIDS) that comes as gels, drops or patches are also popular for pain relief. These can decrease inflammatory proteins such as prostaglandins that can cause pain. However, most experts believe that topical medication carry less risks than NSAIDs as topical have only few side effects and are not absorbed throughout the body.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS works by sending electric currents to the painful areas in the body through wires attached to electrodes that are placed on the skin. TENS is considered to be a treatment that can treat any kind of arthritis pain. The electrical current can reduce the pain on the affected area and is also thought to be a way of stimulating the release of endorphins to relieve the pain. The treatment is only risky if the patient has an open wound or an infection.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy or PT uses exercise to improve the function and strength of certain area in the body. It has the ability to encourage the range mobility of the affected joints and improve the posture. After a diagnosis by an expert a patient is often given an individual plan of therapy according to their physical needs which will involve a series of exercises; stretching and aerobics. In case therapy is recommended for you as a treatment for arthritis, simply look for a therapy expert by searching for a physio Southport or Paddington depending on your area and you will see a number of good results to choose from.
Trigger Point Injection
This is a treatment where an anaesthesia is injected to a muscle to relieve the pain. The injection can make the muscle tissues to go back to its normal structure and relieve the pain for a few weeks or months. However, if you are opting for this treatment, you should not have the injections for more than three to four times a year. Too many injections can only cause more pain as it can change the muscle contraction ability. The effects of the injection will last longer if the patient practices stretching and exercising of the muscles.
This is an ancient Chinese treatment method where needles are placed on the body along meridians to release trapped energy. Needles encourage the release of endorphin that work as a pain reliever and increase the blood flow to the targeted area removing substances such as lactic acid that cause pain. Another similar method to try is acupressure which uses fingers, knuckles and palms to apply pressure instead of needles. The treatment is not recommended for anyone undergoing chemotherapy as it can cause infection or if you are on blood thinners as it increase the risk of bleeding.

Apart from the above remedies and treatments you can flow simple practices such as wearing the right shoes recommended by your doctor or maintaining the right postures. Sticking to your treatment plan and following it regularly can help you to get better easily.